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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - disturbancen.


Связанные словари


1) disruption, disorder, disorganization, disarrangement, disarray; upheaval, interruption, upset, intrusion, interference: She won't tolerate any disturbance to her schedule. 2) commotion, disorder, upset, outburst, tumult, turmoil, turbulence, violence, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly-burly, uproar, brouhaha, rumpus, brawl, m€l‚e or melee, breach of the peace, Donnybrook, fray, affray, fracas, trouble, Colloq ruckus, Brit spot of bother, Slang Brit spot of bovver: There was a disturbance at the pub yesterday.
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